September 19, 2007

Africa Update 2

I have to start off telling you that the last time I sent out an update e-mail, I walked back to begin a lovel 2 days of the big “hoosker doosker”. I am fully healed, as are all the other interns, Praise God!

Things here in Malawi have been incredible. The ministry that I am apart of is going well, we are building great relationships in this new village. I have fallen in love with many of the kids, but a few of them in particular. We tried to show the Jesus film in the village but it didn’t work; we will try again soon.

I know this is short, but we are about to load the coaster for our mid-intern retreat. I love it here and wish that I could tell each one of you every detail about what God is doing here…I’ll write a full review when internet is free!

Dealing with administration has been very difficult for many of us interns, just as far as communication and respect goes towards us, so prayer for that. Prayer for my ministry and the kids. Finally that I am walking daily in God’s will and direction with these kids.

Ill try and give a better review in a few days

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