September 19, 2007

Africa Update 3

Update 3
Hey friends and family,
I questioned whether or not to send another update email within the same week, but I feel as though the last one was lacking in life…

We just got back from our mid-summer intern retreat. Lets just say that Lake Malawi is no lake, I’d consider it a freshwater ocean (yes I know there is no such thing). It’s huge and beautiful. Most of our time was spent just hanging out on the beach attempting to get tan in the African winter sun. My nose is pink and the rest of me is questionable…hopefully somewhat tan.
The retreat got us ready to finish out our mission trip strong. Yesterday was our first day back in the villages and let me tell you, I was ready. Being away from the kids for 10 days was tough (we were visiting the Chiwengo village). What was tougher was coming back to find that many of the things we taught them before we left they had forgotten; I now know how frustrating it is for teachers after breaks. Through it all though, I found the greatest joy. To hear them run and yell “Auntie Mindy,” made all my anticipation worth it.

After being here for a month I’ve come to realize how much this place is home. While we were gone from Njewa we all got homesick for our beds, our running water, and our kids. I sat around yesterday during the evangelism message looking at all the faces I know; Mavis, Memory, Jennifer, Jacklyn, Wally, Olly, Kennedy, Wayes to name a few favorites (even though favorites are not allowed..), and wondered how I’m going to get through when it’s time to say goodbye. What struck me next is that we are not close saying goodbye. It’s a sweet thing that the Lord can bless us with great relationships. Relationships where communication is “shap” and perhaps an eyebrow lift at most; then again there are the smiles that are universal. These relationships that are being built in this village are being started on a small but strong foundation, and I feel so blessed to have an opportunity to see God change these kid’s lives. At the end of the day when I have my girls, one on each hand walking me to the road where we say “tianana,” (see you later), I know that God is the builder of these relationships and not to mention my most favorite moments.

Here was some insight on what’s happening here in Malawi. Thanks for all of your prayers, I’m pretty sure all my requests are being answered, things are running smoothly!

Much Love,

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